Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Human milk sharing and Human Milk 4 Human Babies! HM4HB!!

Hey everyone... long time, no write.

Just want to be sure that the few of you who read and might have a freezer stash you'd hate to see wasted or need human milk  b/c for whatever the reason you don't have it,  know about HM4HB. There are over 130 community pages in all the U.S. and it spans over 50 countries now!!!

It's been amazing to see women fathom and be willing to, actually, help another baby/parent in need via their milk. It's truly my honor to be involved with such a powerful and empowering group of people, mostly women, who generously give their time, their love, and their life-sustaining mother's milk.

I present to you our network:

Human Milk 4 Human Babies Global Network! This name illustrates our mission clearly and effectively. We continue to provide a space where families in need can connect with mothers who have surplus milk.

Thank you for playing a part in our continued success. We invite you to join us on our new community page. “See” you there! Click on the image to find your local community! :)

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