Holy cow! I know I'm insane, but what's new. I received this via our -small but growing -Freecycle in my town. Some kind person was getting rid of 'old sewing machine.' I contacted her and when we finally met up, she showed me the thing and I fell in love. yup, oldie but goody! then she told me how she sewed all kinds of stuff on it, and it was well kept (and now that I've opened and seen its 'inside' she wasn't exaggerating!) "She's dusty,and a good oilin' should do her good!' she said.
Then she says, oh, and my grandma kept this too. And shows me the intact manual (in fact 2 copies of them, one in excellent condition, the other one dirty, lol) and the RECEIPT! Note the date (last 5 numbers)!! :D
Oh did I mention I'm in love???? But dude, most incredible is how easy the manual is!!!! I think for the first time I'll really know what I'm sorta doing on the machine, maybe?! Everything is explained simply and with awesome diagrams!!! also coo, the cabinet where it hides down and closes and looks like a little table. Door with a "basket" attached to the door, I'm hello? AVOCADO/MINT green (and now that it's cleaner -thx bacout- you can really see it much better!) I'm oiling it myself!! And will try getting a couple of parts that it looks like Sears might still be the ones to supply, I' hoping! a little light bulb, and a couple of belts. the rubber is pretty dry and old and funky) Those cool diagrams really are screaming at me! :) Wheeeew I'm excited...
I told Bill it reminded me, somewhat, of printmaking. Equipment, process and the edition or mono-type...!
Oh and what a pedal! I mean, talk about pedal to the metal.. or how does that one go?
I hope you enjoy looking :P now, hopefully, I get to sew (read play) on it one of these days! :)